Saturday 945am:
Games at Alto Park and Riverview will start at 1pm. Schedules will be released shortly. Game lengths will be shortened to get all games played.
ATPP- Cancelled for the day
Field updates as they come in:
Dwight Terry Park- games cancelled for the remainder of the day.
Big Shanty- games are cancelled for the remainder of the day.
Skip Wells- Cancelled for the remainder of the day
Adairsville- Games are canceled for the remainder of the day
Weatherby Park- Cancelled for the remainder of the day.
Waleska- Games are cancelled for the remainder of the day.
ATPP- Cancelled for the day
10U AA Pool
Please check back soon for updated information.
Turn 2 Tigers
Player | Start | Jersey | Pitch |
Walden | 4/20/24 10:15 AM | 13 | 1 |
Hunter | 4/20/24 8:30 AM | 25 | 1 |
Hunter | 4/20/24 10:15 AM | 25 | 1 |
Lucas | 4/20/24 10:15 AM | 4 | 3 |
Foster | 4/20/24 8:30 AM | 7 | 2 |
Marietta Baseball Club - Greenacre
Player | Start | Jersey | Pitch |
Whittingham | 4/20/24 12:00 PM | 10 | 3 |
Doornbos | 4/20/24 8:30 AM | 13 | 1 |
Stewart | 4/20/24 8:30 AM | 17 | 1 |
Davis | 4/20/24 12:00 PM | 27 | 2 |
Stuntz | 4/20/24 8:30 AM | 7 | 2 |
Ninth Inning Blue Jays
Player | Start | Jersey | Pitch |
Mayr | 4/20/24 12:00 PM | 11 | 2 |
Schmitt | 4/20/24 10:15 AM | 13 | 2 |
Albertson | 4/20/24 12:00 PM | 20 | 1 |
Black | 4/20/24 10:15 AM | 5 | 2 |
Harbert | 4/20/24 12:00 PM | 9 | 2 |
Georgia Stars Baseball Academy - Jones
Player | Start | Jersey | Pitch |
Jones | 4/20/24 3:30 PM | 21 | 1 |
Butler | 4/20/24 1:45 PM | 48 | 2 |
Butler | 4/20/24 3:30 PM | 48 | 3 |
Riv | 4/20/24 1:45 PM | 80 | 3 |
Titans Blue
Player | Start | Jersey | Pitch |
Cirrus | 4/20/24 5:15 PM | 22 | 2 |
Rudolph | 4/20/24 1:45 PM | 23 | 3 |
Thornton | 4/20/24 5:15 PM | 27 | 1 |
Elliot | 4/20/24 5:15 PM | 7 | 2 |
Welty | 4/20/24 1:45 PM | 99 | 1 |
CBA Cardinals - Red
Player | Start | Jersey | Pitch |
Peterson | 4/20/24 3:30 PM | 0 | 2 |
Townson | 4/20/24 7:00 PM | 13 | 4 |
Sledge | 4/20/24 3:30 PM | 3 | 2 |
Carr | 4/20/24 3:30 PM | 7 | 1 |
Peterson | 4/20/24 3:30 PM | 9 | 1 |
Relentless Force
Player | Start | Jersey | Pitch |
Nelson | 4/20/24 7:00 PM | 23 | 1 |
Filmer | 4/20/24 5:15 PM | 27 | 1 |
Sanders | 4/20/24 5:15 PM | 45 | 1 |
Green | 4/20/24 7:00 PM | 5 | 2 |
Whitehead | 4/20/24 5:15 PM | 76 | 2 |
Merritt | 4/20/24 7:00 PM | 99 | 1 |
Player | Start | Jersey | Pitch |
Schneider | 4/20/24 8:30 AM | 11 | 1 |
Kolumber | 4/20/24 8:30 AM | 12 | 2 |
McCoun | 4/20/24 10:15 AM | 13 | 1 |
Barre | 4/20/24 8:30 AM | 27 | 2 |
Joyner | 4/20/24 8:30 AM | 9 | 1 |
McDonald | 4/20/24 10:15 AM | 99 | 4 |
GA Sandlot East Side
Player | Start | Jersey | Pitch |
St. Pierre | 4/20/24 8:30 AM | 21 | 1 |
Wells | 4/20/24 12:00 PM | 28 | 4 |
Bateman | 4/20/24 12:00 PM | 38 | 3 |
Sullivan | 4/20/24 8:30 AM | 9 | 3 |
643 DP Cougars
Player | Start | Jersey | Pitch |
Detka | 4/20/24 10:15 AM | 1 | 1 |
Seba | 4/20/24 10:15 AM | 12 | 2 |
Bailey | 4/20/24 12:00 PM | 23 | 3 |
Meadows | 4/20/24 12:00 PM | 29 | 1 |
Chandler | 4/20/24 10:15 AM | 7 | 1 |
Brown | 4/20/24 12:00 PM | 99 | 2 |
USA Scout Elite (Red)
Player | Start | Jersey | Pitch |
4/20/24 3:30 PM | 0 | ||
Tubbs | 4/20/24 1:45 PM | 1 | 3 |
Mushi | 4/20/24 1:45 PM | 13 | 2 |
Bennet-foster | 4/20/24 3:30 PM | 13 | 2 |
Shover | 4/20/24 3:30 PM | 99 | 2 |
5 Star Atlanta
Player | Start | Jersey | Pitch |
Belknap | 4/20/24 1:45 PM | 1 | |
Hilton | 4/20/24 1:45 PM | 1 | |
Holland | 4/20/24 1:45 PM | 1 | |
Barr | 4/20/24 1:45 PM | 1 | |
Tyson | 4/20/24 1:45 PM | 1 | |
Comer | 4/20/24 5:15 PM | 10 | 1 |
Free | 4/20/24 5:15 PM | 3 | 1 |
Sharon Springs Spartans
Player | Start | Jersey | Pitch |
Lumes | 4/20/24 3:30 PM | 34 | 2 |
Mooney | 4/20/24 3:30 PM | 7 | 3 |
Moore | 4/20/24 7:00 PM | 8 | 1 |
Hausner | 4/20/24 7:00 PM | 9 | 1 |
TG DBacks - 10u Payne
Player | Start | Jersey | Pitch |
Youkan | 4/20/24 7:00 PM | 1 | |
Nash | 4/20/24 7:00 PM | 1 |
Turn 2 Tigers vs Marietta Baseball Club - Greenacre at 4/20/2024
Player | Team | Jersey | Pitch |
Doornbos | Marietta Baseball Club - Greenacre | 13 | 1 |
Stewart | Marietta Baseball Club - Greenacre | 17 | 1 |
Stuntz | Marietta Baseball Club - Greenacre | 7 | 2 |
Hunter | Turn 2 Tigers | 25 | 1 |
Foster | Turn 2 Tigers | 7 | 2 |
Turn 2 Tigers vs Ninth Inning Blue Jays at 4/20/2024
Player | Team | Jersey | Pitch |
Schmitt | Ninth Inning Blue Jays | 13 | 2 |
Black | Ninth Inning Blue Jays | 5 | 2 |
Walden | Turn 2 Tigers | 13 | 1 |
Hunter | Turn 2 Tigers | 25 | 1 |
Lucas | Turn 2 Tigers | 4 | 3 |
Marietta Baseball Club - Greenacre vs Ninth Inning Blue Jays at 4/20/2024
Player | Team | Jersey | Pitch |
Whittingham | Marietta Baseball Club - Greenacre | 10 | 3 |
Davis | Marietta Baseball Club - Greenacre | 27 | 2 |
Mayr | Ninth Inning Blue Jays | 11 | 2 |
Albertson | Ninth Inning Blue Jays | 20 | 1 |
Harbert | Ninth Inning Blue Jays | 9 | 2 |
Georgia Stars Baseball Academy - Jones vs Titans Blue at 4/20/2024
Player | Team | Jersey | Pitch |
Butler | Georgia Stars Baseball Academy - Jones | 48 | 2 |
Riv | Georgia Stars Baseball Academy - Jones | 80 | 3 |
Rudolph | Titans Blue | 23 | 3 |
Welty | Titans Blue | 99 | 1 |
Georgia Stars Baseball Academy - Jones vs CBA Cardinals - Red at 4/20/2024
Player | Team | Jersey | Pitch |
Peterson | CBA Cardinals - Red | 0 | 2 |
Sledge | CBA Cardinals - Red | 3 | 2 |
Carr | CBA Cardinals - Red | 7 | 1 |
Peterson | CBA Cardinals - Red | 9 | 1 |
Jones | Georgia Stars Baseball Academy - Jones | 21 | 1 |
Butler | Georgia Stars Baseball Academy - Jones | 48 | 3 |
Titans Blue vs Relentless Force at 4/20/2024
Player | Team | Jersey | Pitch |
Filmer | Relentless Force | 27 | 1 |
Sanders | Relentless Force | 45 | 1 |
Whitehead | Relentless Force | 76 | 2 |
Cirrus | Titans Blue | 22 | 2 |
Thornton | Titans Blue | 27 | 1 |
Elliot | Titans Blue | 7 | 2 |
CBA Cardinals - Red vs Relentless Force at 4/20/2024
Player | Team | Jersey | Pitch |
Townson | CBA Cardinals - Red | 13 | 4 |
Nelson | Relentless Force | 23 | 1 |
Green | Relentless Force | 5 | 2 |
Merritt | Relentless Force | 99 | 1 |
BSBL Bucs vs GA Sandlot East Side at 4/20/2024
Player | Team | Jersey | Pitch |
Schneider | BSBL Bucs | 11 | 1 |
Kolumber | BSBL Bucs | 12 | 2 |
Barre | BSBL Bucs | 27 | 2 |
Joyner | BSBL Bucs | 9 | 1 |
St. Pierre | GA Sandlot East Side | 21 | 1 |
Sullivan | GA Sandlot East Side | 9 | 3 |
BSBL Bucs vs 643 DP Cougars at 4/20/2024
Player | Team | Jersey | Pitch |
Detka | 643 DP Cougars | 1 | 1 |
Seba | 643 DP Cougars | 12 | 2 |
Chandler | 643 DP Cougars | 7 | 1 |
McCoun | BSBL Bucs | 13 | 1 |
McDonald | BSBL Bucs | 99 | 4 |
GA Sandlot East Side vs 643 DP Cougars at 4/20/2024
Player | Team | Jersey | Pitch |
Bailey | 643 DP Cougars | 23 | 3 |
Meadows | 643 DP Cougars | 29 | 1 |
Brown | 643 DP Cougars | 99 | 2 |
Wells | GA Sandlot East Side | 28 | 4 |
Bateman | GA Sandlot East Side | 38 | 3 |
USA Scout Elite (Red) vs 5 Star Atlanta at 4/20/2024
Player | Team | Jersey | Pitch |
Belknap | 5 Star Atlanta | 1 | |
Hilton | 5 Star Atlanta | 1 | |
Holland | 5 Star Atlanta | 1 | |
Barr | 5 Star Atlanta | 1 | |
Tyson | 5 Star Atlanta | 1 | |
Tubbs | USA Scout Elite (Red) | 1 | 3 |
Mushi | USA Scout Elite (Red) | 13 | 2 |
USA Scout Elite (Red) vs Sharon Springs Spartans at 4/20/2024
Player | Team | Jersey | Pitch |
Lumes | Sharon Springs Spartans | 34 | 2 |
Mooney | Sharon Springs Spartans | 7 | 3 |
USA Scout Elite (Red) | 0 | ||
Bennet-foster | USA Scout Elite (Red) | 13 | 2 |
Shover | USA Scout Elite (Red) | 99 | 2 |
5 Star Atlanta vs TG DBacks - 10u Payne at 4/20/2024
Player | Team | Jersey | Pitch |
Comer | 5 Star Atlanta | 10 | 1 |
Free | 5 Star Atlanta | 3 | 1 |
Sharon Springs Spartans vs TG DBacks - 10u Payne at 4/20/2024
Player | Team | Jersey | Pitch |
Moore | Sharon Springs Spartans | 8 | 1 |
Hausner | Sharon Springs Spartans | 9 | 1 |
Youkan | TG DBacks - 10u Payne | 1 | |
Nash | TG DBacks - 10u Payne | 1 |